Florist’s Clay


A super handy 15cm strip of florist’s clay to help place your favourite frogs and pins in your best vessels.

Once placed, allow to set for an hour before adding water. If fixed well, it will stay stuck down indefinitely. Or carefully prise the frog away, roll the clay and re-use in a different vase. You can re-use in different vessels around 3 times before the stick begins to wane.

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A super handy 15cm strip of florist’s clay to help place your favourite frogs and pins in your best vessels.

Once placed, allow to set for an hour before adding water. If fixed well, it will stay stuck down indefinitely. Or carefully prise the frog away, roll the clay and re-use in a different vase. You can re-use in different vessels around 3 times before the stick begins to wane.

A super handy 15cm strip of florist’s clay to help place your favourite frogs and pins in your best vessels.

Once placed, allow to set for an hour before adding water. If fixed well, it will stay stuck down indefinitely. Or carefully prise the frog away, roll the clay and re-use in a different vase. You can re-use in different vessels around 3 times before the stick begins to wane.

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Pin Frog Round
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