Milli Proust Milli Proust

How To Water Your Garden

No matter what watering method you use—whether watering cans, hoses, or automated irrigation—following a few key principles will ensure your plants receive the right amount of water, at the right time, in the right way.

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Milli Proust Milli Proust

Sweet Peas: A Growing Guide - From Seedlings to Blooms

Once your sweet pea seedlings have germinated and grown strong roots, it is time to focus on their care, planting out, and tying in to ensure they produce the best possible display of flowers throughout the season. Sweet peas thrive with the right support, regular feeding, and thoughtful pruning, so follow these steps to grow healthy, fragrant blooms all summer long.

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Milli Proust Milli Proust

Sweet Peas: A Sowing Guide

Sweet peas are a classic favourite, filling gardens with their delicate blooms and irresistible fragrance. Our nation’s sweet pea captain, Roger Parsons, recommends sowing them in late October, and we sow ours around then too. If you get yours in the soil between October and November, just before winter truly sets in, you’ll be in fine company.

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Milli Proust Milli Proust

Potting On: When Seedlings Need More Space

As seedlings continue to grow, they need pricking out and potting up from tray sowings or as they outgrow their first pots or cells you may notice roots filling the container or growing out of drainage holes. This is the time to pot them on into a larger container.

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Milli Proust Milli Proust

Pricking Out Seedlings: An Essential Guide to Transplanting Tiny Seedlings

Once your seedlings have germinated and begun to grow, they’ll need more space to develop strong roots and healthy foliage. Pricking out and potting on are two essential techniques that help young plants thrive. In this guide, we’ll focus on pricking out seedlings—a careful process of transplanting tiny seedlings to give them the room they need to flourish.

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