Florist’s Pot-Tape


Tape is a secret, hidden weapon for securing arrangements. When we need to transport flowers we always use chicken wire as well as a frog. The florist’s pot-tape ensures everything including the wide is held securely in place. 

Often we won’t use a pin frog and just use wire- this creates a slightly freer style with less control. But the tape helps keep the wire in place making it the perfect economically friendly florist’s tool to have. 

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Tape is a secret, hidden weapon for securing arrangements. When we need to transport flowers we always use chicken wire as well as a frog. The florist’s pot-tape ensures everything including the wide is held securely in place. 

Often we won’t use a pin frog and just use wire- this creates a slightly freer style with less control. But the tape helps keep the wire in place making it the perfect economically friendly florist’s tool to have. 

Tape is a secret, hidden weapon for securing arrangements. When we need to transport flowers we always use chicken wire as well as a frog. The florist’s pot-tape ensures everything including the wide is held securely in place. 

Often we won’t use a pin frog and just use wire- this creates a slightly freer style with less control. But the tape helps keep the wire in place making it the perfect economically friendly florist’s tool to have. 

Pin Frog Petite Set
Pin Frog Round
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Pin Frog Straightener and Cleaner
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Hair Pin Frog
out of stock