Phlox ‘Creme Brûlée’


A designer's dream- Phlox has a way of elevating an arrangement. They have such unassuming sweetness and make the perfect sidekick flower to focal flowers. Florists and brides clamour for this flower; never a stem goes unused. Great in pots!

This variety is cream with a delicate, pale blushing centre- essential for all you romantics out there.

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A designer's dream- Phlox has a way of elevating an arrangement. They have such unassuming sweetness and make the perfect sidekick flower to focal flowers. Florists and brides clamour for this flower; never a stem goes unused. Great in pots!

This variety is cream with a delicate, pale blushing centre- essential for all you romantics out there.

A designer's dream- Phlox has a way of elevating an arrangement. They have such unassuming sweetness and make the perfect sidekick flower to focal flowers. Florists and brides clamour for this flower; never a stem goes unused. Great in pots!

This variety is cream with a delicate, pale blushing centre- essential for all you romantics out there.

Sow under cover in Spring, and plant out when frosts have passed. Or direct sow when the weather has warmed.

Can be tricky to germinate. Benefits from dark germination. Cover the tray or sowing site until shoots appear.

Half Hardy Annual

Full Sun

Space 22cm / 9 inches apart

60-65 days to maturity

Height: 30cm

Approximately 80 seeds per packet

Poppy 'Amazing Grey'
Viola ‘Brush Strokes'
Cornflower 'Witching Hour'
Rudbeckia ‘Sahara’
Rhodanthe 'Everlasting Rose'