New Year Reflections
In a year where counting our blessings feels more acute than ever- 2023 has ultimately been good to us here in our home and at ALMA|PROUST. There have been many ups and downs, some days, weeks, months a real struggle and challenge but on a balance- it’s been a good one. I learnt how little sleep a human can get by, how to juggle many items with insufficient amounts of hands ( I can now do so many miraculous things with a single hand), and how well the mind and body can heal with enough time and support. It has been, personally, a journey of epic proportions to get through these last 365 days.
The studio in april
Paris on the field
One of the more significant lessons learnt, one that dear, sweet, kind Paris has had to practically yell across to me while I, stubbornly, have been holding too many crates of flowers, trying to open a gate, read an email and answer a phone call, is that I don't have to do everything. In fact, Paris' has taught me many things this year. How to lean on someone, share control, and look at things from different angles, to name just a few. I am grateful that we collapsed into each other's lives in what has turned out to be such a profound way.
There have been so many evenings, in the exhausting trenches of solo parenting (23 weeks in total this year of Ted working away), where Paris has stayed at work late and helped me hold Rex while I make meals, have the quickest wash, and try to deal with the mountain of laundry whilst finishing our business day. It turns out, running a small-business with another human being is a very human thing to do on so many levels. Many small moments of human connection that have helped make the world seem like a better place. Paris- I know you read this, so I publicly thank you for your heroic efforts that went far beyond being my business partner this year. You are amazing.
February raddichio for an event for Soho Home x Gianluca longo