August - Seed Shop and New Seed Packet Launch
In between the seed mania Paris and I have been quietly living through, we have been joyfully flowering weddings and events in London and Sussex and having the best time doing it. From a colourful wedding on Brighton Sea Front, a flower-filled country house wedding, to an elegant wedding at The Dorchester. We’re having so much fun working together, creatively and companionably- after working alone for so long, I can now highly recommend finding yourself a business pal.
business pals in our element
The lift had broken when we pulled up to The Dorchester in the pouring rain. With many crates of flowers and two huge urns, we felt like we had walked into an episode of Fawlty Towers. But then, appearing from nowhere- a battalion of bellboys appeared, complete with Wes Anderson-style bell-boy hats. They whisked our crates away down into the underground tunnel around the back of the hotel, reappearing later in the wedding suite having walked through the warren of back corridors to stay hidden from the guests. Each bellboy came wafting up the stairs with a crate of flowers bouncing before them. I counted 15. It was a sight to behold. A magical moment.
Flowers from an event at the dorchester, london