It’s been a whirlwind of a month, barely any time to sit still despite the rest of the world slowing down. No planes overhead, no places to go, no people to see- but nature doesn’t pander to those sorts of clocks, and she marched on with full gusto, with heatwaves bringing on Spring fast.
The very first of the ranunculus have appeared in the tunnel, soft, and pink as a marshmallow, the few tulips that are left, are now full blown blouse, drunk on their own beauty, and dropping petals everywhere.
But while it was here- April was beautiful. The blossom, not browned or beaten by a single drop of rain, was perfect; great big clouds of it everywhere, turning into spring snow with every gust of wind the dandelions turned to clocks in seconds- and the forget-me-nots returned, reminding us how beautiful and sweet wildflowers can be.
April was mostly spent caring for and shielding our most vulnerable family members here. Laundry- that usually mounts up anyway in April with sowing schedules, and the first big harvests of flowers, piled up even higher having extra people about.
With weddings and events on hold, the flowers, opening up thick and fast, needed homes to go to, so the studio was turned into a shipping hub, with boxes, labels, and compostable water sources squeezed amongst the vases, dried flowers, and tables of seedlings that have been growing in there.
Jimmy the whippet puppy has gone from mouse to gazelle in the span of the month, and is turning out to be a very sweet, and funny dog- he loved the heatwave, catching moments to sunbathe while we all tore about getting jobs done.
And now it’s the 1st of May, and the April showers have finally begun.