Rhubarb Vodka Martini

As the year shifts gear from spring into summer, the rhubarb really is in her prime. Slender long legs in an elegant shade of green, a hat, bigger and floppier than anyone else’s, wearing those daring, bright pink shoes; she’d be well at home at any summer party.No summer party would be complete without an elegant, delicious and fun cocktail to delicately sip upon. Step in the subtlety pink, and oh so botanical, rhubarb infused vodka.

Rhubarb Vodka


  • Two large sticks of rhubarb, chopped
  • Vodka
  • Sugar


Sterilise a large litre and a half jar. Roughly chop the rhubarb. Pour in the vodka, add the sugar. Shake. Add the rhubarb. Leave for three weeks. Try and remember to shake it gently once a week. Strain out the rhubarb and it's ready to use.

Rhubarb Vodka Martini

  • 1 part rhubarb Vodka
  • 1 part vermouth
  • Dash of bitters
  • Dried garden rose petals (optional)

August 7th Flowers