Lavender Bath Salts

A staple of a glorious summer, brushing past it in people's front gardens, and the most heavenly smell will follow you for the rest of the day. The most calming of scents, in the prettiest of blues; I couldn't do without growing lavender.Processed with VSCO with a10 presetA perfect remedy for cold winter days, a hot bath to soothe aching muscles from hours of compost shovelling, or just a perfect little Christmas gift for friends, and family; here's a recipe to banish winter blues with a bath-time trip right back to Summer.You'll need one bunch of dried lavender (you can find these at markets, online, or if like me, you obsessively gather and dry everything from the summer garden, then you'll have one kicking about somewhere, just waiting to be used). This recipe fills exactly twelve 200ml jars (2400ml total)- and I'm sure there are twelve very deserving people in your life, but you can always use bigger or smaller jars to suit.


  • 1kg Epsom salt
  • 1kg Dead Sea salt
  • 1 bunch of dried lavender
  • 1 teaspoon of lavender essential oil
  • Dried petals (optional)
  • 200 ml storage jars x 12


In a large container, mix together the salts. Add the essential oil and mix well into the salt. You may have to do this drop at a time, mixing in between to get an even spread. Then add the lavender florets, and the dried petals (if using). Mix well. Decant into jars with good seals. It will store up to a year.


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